Visual Performance Suite

The performance data monitoring VPS system is a customized software application designed for the collection of NIH program performance information and the analysis of the performance information.  The reporting tool allows users to enter, update and save performance information, including GPRA and PART.  A project performance monitoring questionnaire, DECIDER (Difficulty, Efficiency, Corrective strategies, Integration of budget with performance, Design of implementation strategies, Effectiveness, and Results), developed to provide a general snapshot of each NIH-funded project, is also collected, stored, and edited.  The data collection and analytical tools built into Visual Performance Suite provide a centralized electronic source for NIH performance reporting.

VPS was created with several modules that guide users through activities demonstrating screen use and other features of the system.  The system has responsive views and drivers built into the system that move the performance information entered through the most appropriate columns for reporting and data evaluation.  Users can filter through information to look at a particular goal region to gather information on performance.  The system provides a grand view of which goal or target is performing above or below standards and tailors to each of the goal.  Communication among IC officers is facilitated through the system’s ability to allow users to communicate across the same platform, thereby promoting transparency of the performance data.

Visual Performance Suite Overview

Database and Informational Links

NIH Performance Library

  • PubMed Search
  • NIH GPRA Performance Highlights
  1. Scientific Research Outcome (SRO) Goals
  2. Communication and Transfer of Results (CTR) Goals
  3. CapacityBuildingand Research Resources (CBRR) Goals
  4. Strategic Management of Human Capital (SMHC) Goals
  5. Program Oversight and Improvement (POI) Goals
  • Funding for NIH-Supported Research


NIH Performance Library

  • NIH President’s Budget Request
  • NIH Science Advances and Stories of Discovery

–     Information under this section highlights a few of the major areas of research in the NIH research portfolio, including a sampling of the most significant scientific discoveries from the past year and highlights of initiatives planned for future year

  • NIH Scorecard
  • NIH Press Releases



Performance Highlights

Systemic Assessments Branch centralized activity calendar

–     Calendar is used to post submission requirements, announcements, meetings and due dates for the P&E community and IC officers.



Featured News And Calendar

The purpose of the working groups is to assist in the development and implementation of performance strategies, and advice on issues related to the improvement of reporting and collaborative relationships.  The working groups are comprised of trans-NIH representatives.  The group provides a means to communicate and address issues regarding performance across NIH.


Program Performance Monitoring Working

Group (PPMWG) 

The VPS software application is designed to collect NIH GPRA Goal, OMB-PART, DECIDER, and Budget data.  DECIDER is an acronym for (Difficulty, Efficiency, Corrective strategies, Integration of budget with performance, Design of implementation strategies, Effectiveness, and Results).  It is a trans-NIH systematic project/program performance monitoring and reporting tool developed by SAB and PPMWG to access appropriate measures applicable to a wide range of project and program performance-related activities.  The measures include project/program design, implementation strategies, efficiency, corrective strategies, integration of budget and performance, difficulty, effectiveness, and results.  The budget module of this system is currently being build and will be deployed in the third quarter of fiscal year 2006.


  • Link to the VPS page

–          Direct inks to NIH GPRA performance reporting page

–          Direct link to NIH GPRA budget reporting page

–          Direct link to NIH PART page

–          Direct link to NIH DECIDER

  • User Manual

–          Guidance and task guides on how to use the VPS system to report and analyze NIH performance information


Visual Performance Suite:  GPRA and PART Data Entry

VPS uses the data in the system to produce schematics and analytical reports for performance monitoring and analysis.  At the end of each performance reporting period, users can export the data in the system for further review.  The system generates performance reports based on the data stored.  Reports can be opened in a printer friendly window or in Microsoft Word by clicking on the appropriate button.  Having a system that automatically formats information has saved SAB program staff hours and has reduce workforce burden of shared data.  The PPMS application has enhanced NIH business processes by accelerating the processing of trans-NIH performance data collection, analyses, and reporting.

In addition, an email alert notification system is built into the Visual Performance Suite system to routinely notify users and remind SAB about due dates, incomplete submission, overdue submission, items requiring approval and submissions returned to users for revision.  In general, the email reminders have a hyperlink that takes the user directly to the page the alert is referring to; this easy access method alleviates any user navigational burdens.  SAB administrators configure the due dates for the automated email notification system.  The email messages are customized to the required activity, and the delivery rules are configured so that the notifications will be sent to the right people at the right time.  The scheduled email notification and event-based email notification systems go through high level test plans to ensure that the alert systems functions correctly.  The ability for the system to prompt users and administrators to verify information entered via email alert eliminates the possibility of system administrators duplicating validation efforts.